r a m b l e s


9/24/2023 / fandom:none
zomg first ramble entry u guys (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) is this epic or what???

dumb gay with sunglasses fucking lauches out of the air and DIES

9/24/2023 / fandom:homestuck

he did NOT serve cunt btw

i got soup today

9/25/2023 / fandom:none
AND IT WAS VERY YUMMY YUM YUM!!! i also fell down the stairs

i hate that stupid twink leon

9/27/2023 / fandom:resident evil
he is a dumb stupid idiot who has blond hair and pronouns chris could never do such btw i love u chrsi youre the best main character

look chris is literally serving cunt rn *\0/* i bet leon cant even do such a simple fortnite dance he would fall to the ground and CRY.
pavement - stereo
heLLOOO!!!!! welcome 2 rambles, this is were i go to talk about my interests & or random stuff 0.0